We offer a range of dedicated support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, who meet the entry academic requirements, to help them develop socially and achieve their academic potential.
As a small family-orientated school with small class sizes, our teachers are perfectly placed to work closely with pupils and parents to provide a supported and integrated education for your child.
If you would like to discuss your child's learning needs, please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to discuss this further.
We support individuals with their organisation, learning and recall during their school day on a one-to-one basis or in small groups of up to 5 pupils. In addition to study skills, we support social skills and are committed to working with each pupil to ensure they have a happy and healthy journey through school.
Those with a diagnosed special educational need have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This is written by our SENDCo in collaboration with parents, the pupil and teaching staff and is reviewed and updated termly.
Where necessary, we have strong links with external agencies who come into school to support pupils with their specific needs.
Additional charges apply for individual and small group support, and for dedicated in-class support from a teaching assistant. In some cases, these costs may be covered by an EHCP.
For pupils who meet specific criteria, we have the ability to make tailored access arrangements for external examinations and work with subject teachers to agree reasonable adjustments. These arrangements are co-ordinated by our SENDCo.
The SENDCo has a close relationship with the parents of all pupils who have an IEP or who receive support. Regular updates are provided by telephone or at face-to-face meetings. These are two-way discussions where we encourage parental input and observations. Parents also have the opportunity to meet with the SENDCo to discuss any issues at parents’ evenings where you will receive an overall picture of your child’s progress.
If you feel that your child would benefit from additional support, please contact us to discuss their needs. Our SENDCo team can carry out initial screening to indicate the possibility of a specific learning difficulty. We can discuss this with you and give guidance on further steps you may wish to take.