Derby Grammar School

Co-education Q&A

Co-education Q&A
parents parent information event

In response to Derby Grammar School’s announcement of intention to offer a fully co-educational provision.

Q: Why has the School decided to make these changes?

The decision was taken as a response to societal changes and our desire to meet the needs of modern family life. The number of co-educational schools is rising and it is clear that a larger number of families are seeking a school which serves the needs of their daughters as well as their sons. The pandemic has demonstrated the desire of families to be close to each other and to interact more – fully opening DGS to both boys and girls will, for example, enable siblings to be educated together and, for parents with children of both genders, simplify drop-offs/pick-ups leaving more time for family life.

In recent years, significant interest has been shown from families of girls, indeed our December Play & Stay event was predominantly girls. In taking the decision to become full co-educational we hope to serve the needs of the local (and wider) community. The decision was a unanimous agreement by the Board of Governors.

The change will help pupils prepare for their futures, developing interpersonal skills, and help see the world from different perspectives and reflect the world outside DGS.

Q: Has any market research been undertaken to establish that there is sufficient demand for another co-educational school in the locality?

We have tracked demand in our evolving market and are very confident the unique character of DGS with its high academic achievement, small size that allows us to give exceptional pastoral support and an individual education will continue to draw pupils of both sexes. We will maintain our ethos of healthy competition in the classroom, in House competitions and on the sports pitch while broadening choice. A thriving music offer will continue, and here too, more opportunities will become available to pupils in the future.

Q: What are the benefits of extending the co-educational provision?

There are many benefits, as we have already experienced with our co-educational Sixth Form. A fully co-educational school will encourage the exchange of complementary skills and social development, preparing pupils for life beyond school. Extending our co-educational provision will also enable us to add to our extra-curricular offering and to our sports provision. We don’t expect changes to the academic curriculum due to the change, but we are always listening to stakeholders to develop what we offer and give pupils the best possible preparation for their futures.

Q: Which year groups will welcome girls and from when?

The extension of our co-educational provision will take place in two phases. From September 2022 girls will be welcomed from Reception up to and including Year 6. From September 2023 girls will be welcome to join any year, from Reception through to Sixth Form. Thus from September 2023 Derby Grammar School will be a fully co-educational school.

From now on registrations will be taken for girls to enter DGS in any year group, though we intend girls to only be admitted into Year 7 – Year 11 from September 2023.

Q: Who has taken the decision and how was it made?

The decision was taken by the Board of Governors and was a unanimous one. A key element of recent Board discussion has focused on the future of Derby Grammar School, including extending our co-educational provision. The response to, and analysis of the recent Pupil, Parent and Staff Surveys, financial modelling, Board experience of this type of change in other schools and an appreciation of market forces and changing demands all played a role in the decision making process. A number of scenarios were considered, including an extended phased roll-out, but the two-year introduction as part of a consultative process was considered the best option.

Q: Will this change the School’s aims, ethos and values?

No. The aims, ethos and values of the School will remain the same. Derby Grammar School will continue to ‘bring education to life’ and to provide an atmosphere in which all pupils can thrive and reach their potential, whether this be in academics, music, drama or sports. Three principles lie at our core: excellent teaching, incredible opportunities, and a supportive, friendly atmosphere. These are the things that make us special and which we will continue to support.

Q: Will class sizes go up?

No. The intention is not to increase class sizes: we commit to holding class sizes in the Junior and Senior School to 20 and in Infants and Primary to 12 – 15 pupils. A key element of a Derby Grammar School education is small class sizes and our pupil-teacher ratio will be retained. Derby Grammar School has capacity for 300 – 320 pupils and, though we are committed to holding class sizes to a maximum of 20, it is anticipated that overall pupil numbers will increase over the next 3 – 5 years.

Q: How will the delivery of sensitive subjects such as Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) be delivered?

We expect to deliver most of the topics in a mixed environment, but for some sensitive topics to be covered in a single sex arena. For example, at Y6 sex we plan to teach ‘Family Life’ and ‘Friendships’ in a mixed class, and ‘Puberty’ and ‘Sexual Reproduction’ separately. Parents will be consulted on changes to our policy annually and are free to withdraw their child(ren) from the sessions.

Q: How will sports be affected? What provision will there be for girls?

The move to a fully co-educational school provides the opportunity for our sports provision to be reviewed and expanded. It is anticipated that a number of new sports will be introduced including, for example, netball and some mixed sports. The sports curriculum will be assessed to ensure it provides as well for boys as it does for girls. A fixture list, subject to sufficient team numbers, will also be introduced for girls. Fixtures will be just as important as they are now.

Q: How will the facilities be amended and developed for girls?

The majority of appropriate facilities are already in place. We are currently working on additional girls’ toilets and are considering how to best meet the needs of boys’ and girls’ changing facilities at RSC. Any new facilities will be developed with boys and girls in mind.

Q: Has a girls’ uniform been designed?

No. A girls’ uniform will be developed over the coming months. Staff will be kept up to date with progress, and all stakeholders will be able to contribute to this review.

Q: Will this announcement have an impact on fees?

No. We do not anticipate increasing fees as a result of an expanded co-educational provision.

Q: Will the extension of provision impact on scholarship provision?

No. Scholarships will continue to be offered based on merit and potential and both boys and girls are welcome to apply.

Q: Why was this change of direction not shared sooner?

The Board of Governors has been debating an extension to our co-educational provision for some time. However, strategic plans require research and agreement before they can be shared. The final decision was taken during the second week of term and we have planned to communicate this decision to all stakeholders as speedily as possible. The Board of Governors are excited and optimistic about the positive benefits extending our co-educational provision will provide.

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