Derby Grammar School

Sports Day Review 2021

Sports Day Review 2021
whole school sports event

By Mr Whitworth

sports dayThe Senior School held its Sports Day on the penultimate morning of the year at Moorways Stadium. The venue that has in the past hosted Olympic champions inspired our students to be ‘faster, higher, stronger’.  In a year where lots of events have had to cancelled it was lovely to see the whole student body testing their athletic ability as part of our vibrant house system in a covid secure environment.  Despite some of the younger pupils coming straight off a 2 day DofE expedition they were all excellent in achieving points through running, throwing and jumping for their house.  By the level of skill on show pupils had clearly learnt from their whole summer programme of athletics at KS3 but many personified the maxim that effort takes no talent.sports day

Notable personal performances were from J Briggs in the race for the Weston Mile Kettle and A Ali, who won both the 100m and long jump in the open category.  Special mention in the lower school goes to J Morrison, who won 7 events.  The eventual winners were Bemrose house.  

Congratulations must go to everyone who took part and special thanks to all the staff, without whom the event just wouldn’t happen.

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