Derby Grammar School

DGS rolls out the red carpet for film premiere

DGS rolls out the red carpet for film premiere
whole school general

The long-awaited, much anticipated Derby Grammar School spin on Geoffrey Chaucer’s classic, ‘The Knight’s Tale’, landed in Rykneld Hall last night as members of the A-list cast, along with soon-to-be-famous musicians and the Filmmaker of the Year, came together for the Film Premiere. Some even dressed up for the occasion in outfits which matched their Oscar-winning performances!

The evening began with a speech from Mrs Watson, the proudest director of the year, and was followed by the crunching of popcorn, uproarious laughter and rapturous applause. Despite the small cast, limited locations and the fact that it was a no-budget production, it was a masterpiece. The only question left on everybody’s lips was: ‘when can we see it again?’ 

The film will be aired for all Year groups during activities week for the bargain price of £1 (to support our Tanzania project) and will be available on our Youtube Channel soon. 

An enormous congratulations to all those involved – you might want to start preparing your Oscar acceptance speeches now.

Mrs Watson

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DGS rolls out the red carpet for film premiere

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