Derby Grammar School

Lord McLoughlin delivers public talk

Lord McLoughlin delivers public talk
event general

Students at Derby Grammar School were inspired to aim high to realise their ambitions at a public talk by Rt Hon the Lord Patrick McLoughlin yesterday.

‘Miner to Cabinet Minister’, a journey from the coalfield to the cabinet room was hosted jointly by The Old Derbeian Society and Derby Grammar School as part of the prestigious David Walker Memorial Lecture Series.

During the talk, students, school dignitaries and the Lord Mayor of Derby, Cllr Alan Graves, learnt more about Lord McLoughlin’s 30-year career in politics.  He left school at 16 without any qualifications, following his father and grandfather into mining. 

A career in politics soon beckoned, and after becoming a councillor, Lord McLoughlin then went on to become Member of Parliament for West Derbyshire.

During his illustrious career, Lord McLoughlin held a number of roles in central Government, including Government Chief Whip, Secretary of State for Transport and Chairman of the Conservative Party. He was also Chancellor to the Duchy of Lancaster.

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