Derby Grammar School

Speech Evening 2023

Speech Evening 2023
event achievements

Our annual Speech Evening took place last Friday and it was wonderful to see so many parents and wider DGS family come along to support their children and the school as a whole.

The event celebrated the achievements of our pupils over the last academic year, and included academic accolades, along with awards for sporting, creative and co-curricular activities. The audience was also treated to performances from the school choirs and the swing band, as well as speeches from our outgoing Head Boy, Mr Logan, and the Tanzania Project Team.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Jeremy Levesley, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Leicester. Thank you, Jeremy, supporting us and delivering such a thought provoking speech.

Mr Logan said: “It was an absolute pleasure to celebrate the many achievements of DGS pupils and recognise the contributions of our superb staff and PTA at Speech Evening. Thanks to all the parents who attended and helped make the evening such a lovely occasion. As we say goodbye to our leavers, we also welcome them into the community of Old Derbeians, and they could not have had a more thought-provoking speech to take with them than our Guest Speaker, Professor Jeremy Levesley gave them.”

Speech Evening is an important and hugely enjoyable milestone in the academic year and our pupils’ school life. Thank you to everyone who came along to support us.

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