Derby Grammar School

LAMDA success

LAMDA success
achievements drama

Speech and Drama lessons are enjoyed by pupil from Reception through to Year 13. Occurring on a one-to-one basis, they provide valuable training in a variety of specialisms. These sessions aim to build confidence and communication skills, which are vitally important to instil within young people, and also provide a supportive link to curriculum study.

 LAMDA exams are offered at Introductory levels, aimed at Primary students, and also from Grade 1 to Grade 8. Examination sessions take place on site at the end of every term, with over 60 pupils taking exams each school year.

Currently, Mrs Simpson teaches 52 pupils at Derby Grammar School, and four of these students have worked their way up the grades and are now studying towards their Grade 8 qualification. 

Daniel Davies is in Year 11 and has been taking Speech and Drama lessons since 2014, when he was in Year 4. ‘Speech and Drama lessons have been really helpful to build my confidence over the last 7 and a half years. During my training, I have learnt about plays from different time periods and how to perform different characters in the most effective way. My lessons have shaped my love of Drama as a subject, something which I hope to study at university in the future.’

Daniel Davies

Lucas Brandon is also in Year 11 and started his Speech and Drama lessons at the same time, in Year 4. ‘I have studied Acting and Speaking in Public during my Speech and Drama training. Although completely different specialisms, they have both allowed me to explore and build voice and performance skills. I am so much more confident now. I know how to use my voice and find it easy to articulate my ideas in conversation. These communication skills will help with interviews and presentations I have to do in the future, for university and beyond.’

Lucas Brandon

Leo Silverwood started his lessons at the same time as Lucas and Daniel, in Year 4, and is now in Year 11. ‘My speech has improved a lot in the last 7 years - I now understand the importance of taking my time and articulating my ideas clearly. I have tried all of the LAMDA specialisms during my training, from Acting, to Speaking in Public, Speaking Verse and Prose, and my favourite exam (which I will take for Grade 8) is Reading for Performance. I enjoy learning about each piece of literature and its background before working on how I can bring this to life in performance. I am undecided about my plans for the future, but I know that my Speech and Drama training will help me in whatever I decide to do.’

Leo Silverwood

Adam Gentles is in Year 10 and began his Speech and Drama lessons when he joined Derby Grammar School in Year 3. ‘My lessons have built my confidence both in normal conversation and in public speaking environments. I have found crossovers with my English lessons which has been really helpful, and I have also been able to create and perform speeches for occasions such as when I won a golf championship in 2019. Now that I am Captain of the Derbyshire Under 16 golf team I will be required to speak publicly on more occasions, but the thought of this is exciting now, rather than stressful!’

Adam Gentles

Mrs Simpson has worked at Derby Grammar School as a peripatetic Speech and Drama teacher for nearly 10 years. ‘I love the work I do here, and take great pride in my students’ development and achievement. For many boys, the change since starting Speech and Drama lessons is remarkable. The nature of one-to-one lessons means that each session is designed to work with the individual and their needs, meaning that progress is made week after week. Do you love performing? Great! I can help you explore the best ways of approaching a character or text. Does the thought of standing up and speaking make you feel nervous? Also great! I can help you understand and expand your own abilities and build confidence so you can overcome this. With Speech and Drama lessons there really is something for everyone.’

Speech and Drama lessons can begin at any age, and at any time during the school year. If you would like to know more about how these lessons could benefit your son or daughter, then Mrs Simpson would love to hear from you [email protected]

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