Derby Grammar School

Derby Grammar School students celebrate A-level results

Derby Grammar School students celebrate A-level results
achievements sixth form

Derby Grammar School students celebrate A-level results

Pupils at Derby Grammar School celebrated their A Level results today, with half of the grades being at least A* to B.

Year 13 student Sebastian opened his envelope to reveal he earned an A* in Biology, A in Maths and an A in Chemistry.

He will now go on to study Biomedicine at the University of Bristol. He said: "I am really happy with my results; all the hard work has paid off.
After being at Derby Grammar School since Primary School it will feel strange going somewhere new but I'm looking forward to continuing my
educational journey in Bristol.”

Also celebrating was Sophia who achieved A* in Psychology, A* in Politics and B in German and is going on to study Law.

She said: “My results mean such a lot to me, I've worked so hard and am so pleased the hard work paid off. I've been interested in law since I was little so can't wait to now pursue the career of my dreams.”

Head Paul Logan reflected on the fact students who took their A-levels this year had never sat public exams before, with their GCSEs
cancelled due to Covid 19.

He said: “Year 13 pupils have performed so well in what is their first set of public examinations, having missed taking GCSEs due to the pandemic. I would like to thank their teachers for going above and beyond in helping them prepare for these exams where we knew grading would return to pre-pandemic levels. Parents have worked with us to ensure pupils were as well-prepared as possible, and these efforts are borne out in the grades gained.”

Mr Logan said he was also proud of the contributions this year’s A-level students had made to the school.

“Here at Derby Grammar School, we know exam results and academic excellence are not enough to prepare pupils for the world of tomorrow, and

I would like to pay tribute to the service and contributions to the wider life of the school these pupils have made in sport, co-curricular and
leadership roles. Their legacy will be felt in school for a long time, and what they accomplished in raising money for charity will spread far further. We wish them well in all their future endeavours, and look forward to welcoming them back as Old Derbeians.”


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Derby Grammar School students celebrate A-level results

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