Derby Grammar School

Building partnerships through languages

Building partnerships through languages
achievements Languages

Last Tuesday, our Year 12 and Year 13 language students (Matthew, Ed and Joseph) travelled to Sheffield Girls High School to take part in a Business Language Champions event looking at how languages can be used in the world of Law.

The aim of the day was for our students to work alongside fellow language students from other schools to create an international campaign that was close to their hearts and present it to a United Nations panel of journalists, as a UN Resolution. Campaigns including Police Brutality, Mining in Space, and the Disappearance of Minority Languages were chosen.

In advance of the presentation, the students completed workshops in how to best deliver a point effectively and how to interpret from one language to another.

There was some great teamwork, collaboration and leadership and the students produced some very powerful and thought-provoking presentations.

A huge well done to Year 13 French and German student, Matthew, who was part of the winning team, ranked 1st place overall!

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Building partnerships through languages

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