Derby Grammar School

Perfect Grammar

Perfect Grammar
achievements Senior school

GCSE resultsPupils at Derby Grammar School achieved a perfect score in almost a quarter of GCSE grades awarded to the school this year.

Overall, 23 per cent of the results awarded at the school were the top grade 9, while nearly two-thirds (66 per cent) of all results were grades 9 to 7.

Three pupils – Alfie Carter, Adrian Diaz-Blanco and Sebastian Read – even gained a clean sweep of nine grade 9’s in their chosen subjects.

The school, in Rykneld Road, Littleover, will be looking forward to the arrival of a new headteacher, Paul Logan, from September, following the departure of outgoing head Dr Ruth Norris.

GCSE resultsMr Logan said:

These results are a testament to the hard work and resilience of pupils and staff in the face of the most challenging period facing education I can remember.

High academic expectations and the adaptability of pupils and staff in embracing new technology has paid off again and will give pupils the best post foundation for the next stage of their educational journey.

Staff have worked tirelessly to innovate in their teaching – and blending the best of old and new styles of teaching will be a cornerstone of our continuing drive to give our pupils the best possible education and opportunities.

He added:GCSE results

I am really excited to join the DGS community. I would like to thank the outgoing head, Dr Norris, for leaving the school in such a strong position.

Current Head, Dr Ruth Norris, added, “This exceptional year has produced exceptional results. The staff of Derby Grammar is immensely proud of the achievements of the 2021 cohort.

COVID brought significant disruption to two consecutive academic years for these pupils. With the cancellation of public examinations, they faced the challenge of a new testing regime with the implementation of Teacher Assessed Grades. Our pupils maintained their commitment and academic focus throughout the lockdowns and were supported by the first class efforts of our teaching staff to maintain high quality education via our remote learning platform.

These GCSE successes are well deserved and will open aspirational post-16 pathways.

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