Derby Grammar School

Our 2021 Prefect Team

Our 2021 Prefect Team
sixth form school information

This year’s Prefects have been selected! Congratulations to our Year 13 pupils on their achievements and their new-found responsibilities as school role models. We have a variety of roles for our successful Prefect applicants from Primary School to Drama and House Prefects to cover an assortment of duties throughout the school.

Also, a huge well done to our new Head Prefects, Jacob M. and Maisie H. on all their hard work, accomplishments and dedication to our school throughout the years!

Our Senior Prefect Team are currently taking over the school’s social media stories, introducing themselves and showing us all a day in the life of a Sixth Form student here at Derby Grammar, so tune in to our Instagram ( and Facebook ( pages to see what they have been up to!


Our Prefect body includes:

Jacob M and Maisie H as Head Prefects

Jack and James as Deputy Head Prefects

Tom, Marco and Elamin as Sixth Form Prefects

Tahir, Junaid, Jose, Lydia, Awais, Sami and Muqadam as Primary School Prefects

Saevuk, Sam, George and Joseph as House Prefects

Ted and Ben as Charities Prefects

Nat as Drama Prefect

Kirsty and Lauren as Library Prefects

Josie and Lem as Wellbeing Prefects

Oli and Will as Sports Prefects

Abubakr and Manveer as Old Derbeian’s Prefects

Adam as Music Prefect

Sarvraj and James as PTA Prefects

Ollie as D of E Prefect

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Our 2021 Prefect Team

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