Derby Grammar School

Summer 2022 A Level results

Summer 2022 A Level results
achievements sixth form

43% A* and A Grades, 72% A* to B and 100% pass rate

Year 13 pupils opened their results envelopes having faced more than two years of challenges caused by the pandemic. They opened them having sat public examinations for the first time. This group of pupils did not sit GCSE exams, but like all their peers, were awarded Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs).

Despite the almost constant media debate over whether the exams would go ahead, the effectiveness of the mitigations proposed by exam regulators and the awarding bodies and an extended summer exam season, Derby Grammar School pupils focused on their courses and revision. They can feel justly proud of their efforts having overcome all the challenges they encountered, and we are very proud of them.

With the support of their parents, and the expert teaching of our staff, Derby Grammar School pupils gained 43% A* and A grades, with 72% A* to B and a 100% pass rate. These headline figures are well above those achieved in the last round of public exams in 2019, and also higher than those awarded in the first year of the pandemic when results were assessed by teachers. In excess of 74% of DGS pupils gained a place at their first choice of university, with other pupils successfully achieving their goal of moving straight into a degree apprenticeship.

Paul Logan, Head said "I have been so impressed with the dedication and resilience shown by pupils this year in the face of adversity. Teaching staff have worked tirelessly to ensure they were prepared for the challenge of public exams returning, and coped superbly with the late release of information on exam arrangements in February to ensure pupils were able to fulfil their academic potential and take the next steps in their educational journey. Here at DGS, we believe academic excellence alone is not enough, and as well as achieving a superb set of results, pupils have maintained a huge number of leadership, co-curricular, charity and voluntary commitments that will give them the skills and qualities that will equip them for great success in the world beyond our school. We will watch their progress with great anticipation."

Outstanding individual academic performances:

Elamin Ibrahim (4 A* grades) Oxford University, Medicine  

Edward Gushlow (3 A* grades) Cardiff University, Chemistry 

Jack Austen (3 A* grades) University of Bristol, Chemistry 

George Cochrane (A*AA) University of Nottingham, Management 

Ben Greenwell (A*A*A) Deferred entry 

Kirsty Ho (A*AA) Loughborough University - IT Management for Business 

Maisie Hollick (A*AA) University of York, Chemistry 

Alex Magas (3 A grades) Nottingham Trent University, Physics with Astrophysics 

Oliver Neiland (AAB) University of Leeds, Sustainability and Environmental Management 

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