Derby Grammar School

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey
sixth form general


This week I’ve started looking at personal statements with our current year 12s and, as part of that, I have been researching different types of undergraduate courses. I thought you might be interested to know what is on offer. 

The most common course is the single honours bachelor’s degree in one subject, Biology or English for example, and this is the type of degree course that most people have experienced and are aware of.

Variations on this can be a “combined” or “joint honours” course with two subjects studied or a  major/minor with two subjects studied with either equal or unequal weighting. There are also “integrated master’s” courses where students receive both a bachelor’s and master’s degree when they graduate.

With life long learning in mind, many courses now offer a foundation year. This allows students who are returning to education, or who haven’t achieved the grades they were hoping for, to do an extra year of study at the start of a university course. The aim of this extra year is to fill in any gaps they might have and equip them to go on to study a full degree.

Today’s link is to UCAS discovery where you can watch seminars on a range of topics relating to university application and look at university prospectuses on demand until June 4th. 

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or enquiries.

Kim Lacey, UCAS and Careers

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