Derby Grammar School

Brothers hit the high notes with Hot House Music

Brothers hit the high notes with Hot House Music
Senior school Music

Brothers George and Jonathan, Years 11 and 13 respectively, have recently participated as members of Hot House Music Pro Jazz Academy. As part of a series of exclusive Hot House Music Alumni sessions, they were able to spend an inspirational evening in the company of Andy Bunting – one of the UK’s leading pianists.

An alumnus of Hot House Music, Andy is a leading light on the Birmingham Jazz scene as well as a celebrated composer and music teacher. During the event Andy shared his experiences of growing up in Derby and being a member of East Midlands Youth Jazz orchestra before moving to Birmingham to study jazz at the Conservatoire. George, Jonathan and the other young academy students really benefitted from the opportunity to meet Andy and develop their improvisational skills under his expert guidance.

We have many more exciting events planned for our students in the coming months, in preparation for Hot House Music’s tour to New York in July 2021. Our young people will perform at some of the most famous jazz venues in the city – representing both Hot House Music and Derby Grammar School on the international stage.

George and Jonathan have also recently featured on BBC East Midlands Tonight, performing with the Hot House Saxophonix band. You can access the clip here:

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Brothers hit the high notes with Hot House Music

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