Derby Grammar School

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey
sixth form general

Hello, this week in UCAS and Careers I’m continuing to look at Year 11.

This week Ms Stockton and I had a meeting with the whole of the year to discuss A level options. This is such an important time for young people and we wanted to make sure that they get the best possible advice as they start to consider their choices. We were able to show them the wide range of A level subjects that we have here at DGS. I was genuinely surprised when I realised that we offer 26 different A level courses plus the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). There really is something for everyone now that we have added subjects like Business Studies, Psychology and Politics to the more traditional A levels. The full list is available on our website.

Over the next few weeks Mr Lakritz, Ms Stockton and I will be holding one to one meetings with every student in year 11 to discuss their post 16 options. This personal service is something that we are able to offer because of the size of the school, and something we continue to do as they move through year 12; it leads directly to the personal support that the sixth form tutors and myself give when they start to apply to University and consider their post 18 choices.

This week’s link comes from the University of Leicester who are running webinars specifically for parents. I hope you find it useful.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or enquiries.

Kim Lacey, UCAS and Careers

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