Derby Grammar School

UCAS & Careers news from Mrs Lacey

UCAS & Careers news from Mrs Lacey
sixth form general

Hello, this week is National Careers Week and we have been discussing the careers of the future with year 10.

Throughout history the job market and the types of work that people do has changed and evolved. Living in a technological age however has perhaps changed careers more than we ever would have imagined. The continued development of Artificial Intelligence has even led some commentators to declare that we will all eventually be redundant! Not wishing to be left behind we have been researching a variety of jobs including an AI-Assisted Healthcare Technician and a Personal Memory Curator. The pupils are going to research these roles and give a presentation to Ms Stockton and myself. I am really looking forward to hearing from them. 

We are also about to embark on the year 11 interviews I mentioned last week and the year 13 tutors are having conversations about University choices now that the pupils’ offers have come rolling in.

This week’s link is the parent’s guide to national careers week; I hope you find it useful.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or enquiries.

Kim Lacey, UCAS and Careers

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