Derby Grammar School

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey

UCAS & Careers News from Mrs Lacey
sixth form general

Hello, this week in UCAS and Careers I’m focusing on Year 11.

As I mentioned last week, we’ve been looking at careers in PSHE lessons and Year 11 have been looking at their Morrisby profile in some detail. The Morrisby profile is a thorough report which tells pupils their strengths and advises on possible career choices. Despite some of the boys initially being doubtful about the process, our head of year Ms Stockton has had a very positive response from them now they’ve completed it as they have all found it interesting – and in some cases found out about careers they’d been unaware of before.

Now that the boys have done this, we will move to discussing A level options with them during the first week back after the half term holiday. This will give students the opportunity to ask questions and find out about the subjects we offer. We have a wide range of subjects available and we’ll be talking about the best combinations to choose for University and beyond. 

We will also be talking about the support we offer in the process of researching and applying for university places, and about how work experience and cocurricular activities can enhance those applications. Our aim is to provide them with the tools they need to make these important choices.

Here’s a link to Morrisby that parents might find useful.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any more information.

Kim Lacey, UCAS and Careers

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