Derby Grammar School

Reception show literacy skills

Reception show literacy skills
primary School event

Our reception class (Buzzy Bees) thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day in March.

The boys looked at 2 books – ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle and ‘I want my hat back’ by Jon Klassen.  The boys undertook a myriad of activities to celebrate, having listened to the story together:

The Pirates Next Door

  • Message in a bottle
  • Draw a pirate map
  • Make a pirate hat
  • Make a pirate pizza for lunch

I want my hat back

  • Create a story map, drawing the animals in the story
  • Do the World Book Day scavenger hunt
  • Use junk modelling to make hats for your toys
  • Colour and make a bookmark
  • Make bear cupcakes for your tea!

The boys did a brilliant job, and you can see their results below.

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Reception show literacy skills

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