Derby Grammar School

Introductory events with Mr Logan a success

Introductory events with Mr Logan a success
Staff achievements

Mr Paul Logan will be joining Derby Grammar School in September as our new Head.

He held a number of virtual events to introduce himself to parents. For those who weren’t able to make it, we recorded his presentation for you! The recording is found at the bottom of this page. Mr Logan has made himself available for one-to-one virtual meetings via our booking system, the bookings can be made here. These 15 minute slots are available for any families, current or prospective, to meet with him to ask any questions they may have. In addition, he is also hoping to join us on-site for Open Events, when restrictions allow.

Our current Head, Dr Ruth Norris, will have led Derby Grammar School for three years, and leaves after being headhunted to take the helm at one of the world’s leading international schools in Switzerland.

Dr Norris joined as Head in June 2018, and has implemented a range of improvements at the school. A new Senior Leadership Team has been created, with academic, pastoral and co-curricular focus at its core. Dr Norris has also been instrumental in Derby Grammar School achieving a meteoric rise in GCSE and A Level results over the last two years. GCSE results at Derby Grammar School this year were the best in Derby, and this trend shows no sign of stopping.

This performance will be lifted further with the appointment of Mr Paul Logan, who joins the school as Head Teacher in September 2021. Mr Logan said,

I feel privileged to be taking on this role at Derby Grammar School. I am committed to building on the great developments led by Dr Norris, and the strong academic achievement the School stands for. The challenge of piloting the School through the changing times ahead is exciting, and I cannot wait to become part of this unique community. I feel the School is in a very strong position, with a talented and committed staff and Governing Board who will build on the already excellent education and pastoral care offered.

Mr Logan will be liaising closely over the coming months to ensure there is a seamless handover and to work on the next phase of the School’s strategic development. Parents, pupils and prospective parents will be able to meet Mr Logan at events to be announced in the spring and summer terms.

Mr Logan began his teaching career in 1995 after leaving Price Waterhouse Coopers, where he trained as an accountant after graduating from Durham University. After 13 years in the state sector he moved to independent education in 2007, as Head of Maths at Uppingham School. Recently he has been at Wisbech Grammar, an HMC day and boarding school in Cambridgeshire, first as Deputy Head Operations and then Deputy Head Academic for the last 3 years.

Mr Logan’s depth of experience, commitment to academic excellence and dynamism is underpinned by a passion and determination to continue to take the School forward.

Another highlight for Mr Logan in moving to the area is being able to further his passion for cycling, having recently qualified for the Amateur World Road Race.


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